Evgenia Obraztsova – Portrait

To be strong, confident, independent from opinion of others and at the same time to remain surprisingly tender and feminine… To be a Prima ballerina with one of the best world’s companies and to raise the daughters. To obtain the wisdom keeping the charm of youth… We are happy to present our new film about the wonderful ballerina, the artist, the woman – Evgenia Obraztsova. The movie was shot in studios, auditorium and halls of the Bolshoi Theatre – Evgenia’s home place. Always perfect and irreproachable, the ballerina appears to us in the exquisite outfits by Tatyana Parfionova and in the unique jewelry by Tiffany & Co., which were specially given for the shooting. In her light and easy manner Evgenia talks about the way she has passed, her convictions, injuries, the destiny of a mother and a ballerina and about what the ballet means for her today. “I am simply glad to dance. The pleasure for me is to go onstage and to give these moments to the audience and to myself, because I am happy! There is such a step – to get pleasure of having my place in this art” – Evgenia Obraztsova.

Original article Evgenia Obraztsova – Portrait on La Personne.

Documentary about Maria Beck “Freedom of Mind & Soul”

Maria Beck was born and grew up in the USA, where she started doing ballet. At the age of 15 she moved to Moscow to enter the Bolshoi Ballet Academy where she was admitted by the director Marina Leonova to her class. Three years later Maria graduated among the best school girls and was admitted to the Stanislavsky Music Theatre. We were successful to capture an important moment in ballerina’s life – her premiere in The Nutcracker. The Freedom of Mind and Soul is a documentary about the choice of a person who passionately loves her job and honestly does this job day by day.

Film is created under the partnership with the Stanislavsky Music Theatre.

Film by Alisa Aslanova 

Production Alisa Aslanova & Karina Zhitkova 

Editor Katerina Bornovitskaya

Original article Documentary about Maria Beck “Freedom of Mind & Soul” on La Personne.

Dmitriy Vyskubenko – Portrait

Portrait of Dmitry Vyskubenko, the young soloist with the Bavarian State Ballet. Despite his young age, a graduate of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy more than once became a laureate of prestigious ballet contests, played a starring role in “My Dad — Baryshnikov” movie. And now one after another he dances leading parts in classical heritage ballets and famous contemporary stagings.

Original article Dmitriy Vyskubenko – Portrait on La Personne.


La Personne Eco project – #WhereAreYourPointes

Sometimes the life rhythm dictates the rules, we are constantly in a rush to reach our goals and dreams. And it doesn’t matter what profession you’ve got. The big city life inevitably makes you moving faster and faster. And here you are: in the underground or going to work by car, you look in the café to get your croissant & coffee, you take a lunch-box and answering a question “Do you need the tableware?”… you nod. Then running to the theatre – classes, rehearsals, general rehearsals… The performance is over. On your way home, you come to the supermarket to buy some food for dinner, and you nod again when a salesman asks you “Do you need a bag?”

Probably, once between all these moments of your day, in your social media you will accidentally face a video that has been shot with a single goal – to attract attention, to stop a moment and to try thinking on consequences of our automatic thoughtless acts. A take-away coffee glass, tableware, a bottle of water, a bag from a supermarket – they all contain plastic. Yes, it’s comfortable for people, it’s easy and quick but it turns into disaster for our ecology. For everyone of us there is already a personal ton of plastic rubbish.  

Of course, we realize – it’s impossible to change the world with one post, but we’ve decided that we are able as a media to talk about it and to attract attention to the important things. 

For creating this video, we were inspired by Ksenia Shevtsova, the Prima ballerina with the Stanislavsky Music Theatre. This summer she’s launched an action “Stanislavsky against the plastic”, with which she touched a problem of plastic pointes recycling. More than 70% of the ballerinas in Russia dance in the pointes with the plastic box, if to pick up all those pointes, there is a huge quantity of plastic that kills our planet. Ksenia appealed to the dancers not to throw the pointes away, but to send them to recycling. 

We have been collaborating with Stanislavsky Music Theatre for a long time, the theatre has very innovative views and attitude towards the surrounding reality. The theatre has supported Ksenia in her undertaking to draw attention to the problem of plastic. As a result, a special container has been installed for picking up the plastic boxes from the pointe shoes and Ksenia personally brings all of them to the recycling.

“We are not able to limit the plastic consuming in a moment, but we definitely can limit the unconscious consuming. Sometimes we are using a glass for one second and throw it away. I don’t want to propagandize or make somebody refuse of plastic. No. But I’ve changed my attitude towards the question and I try to consume less plastic. It’s so easy, because primarily we harm ourselves”, that’s what Ksenia says about the attitude towards the ecological problem.     

Do you agree that it’s impossible to stay indifferent and not to respond on the simple but important things? 

You also can help our planet. Don’t throw your pointes away, take out the plastic box from the worn shoes and send to recycling. It will take a little time, but it will help to save our Home.  

Maybe, this project will inspire you to organize the gathering of shoes for sending them to recycling. We created the hashtag #WhereAreYourPointes, by which we are going to watch the ballerinas, supporting the project. 

Put this hashtag and tag us @lapersonnemag in your Instagram for we are able to tell in our media about your support of this action. 

Heartfelt thanks to Natalia Somova, the Prima ballerina with the Stanislavsky Music Theatre who has become the main heroine of our video and has also supported this project. 

Creators’ team

*The plastic used for shootings was sent to the recycling. 

Original article La Personne Eco project – #WhereAreYourPointes on La Personne.

The Prima

Documentary about Liudmila Konovalova

Liudmila Konovalova has passed a long way to success. At the age of 15 after getting into the orphanage with her little brother, and the loss of her mother, she found the inner forces not to give up and to move towards her goal in spite of the life obstacles. Without paying attention to the prejudice, the unbelief in her ballet future she created her own world where her dream had to come true athwart all the circumstances. She went first to Berlin for her dream, and after to Vienna where she was promoted by Manuel Legris to the position of a Prima ballerina. In this film Liudmila for the first time is open to speak about her childhood, coming back to the hard memories of overcoming, despair and fighting.

Every artist has his own road to success, but Liudmila’s story isn’t like the others – it strikes, it makes you thinking of many things and it admires, of course, how a human being is able to defeat the life circumstances, if the faith and the strong will are living inside.

Film by Alisa Aslanova


Heartfelt thanks to Wiener Staatsoper & Manuel Legris.

Special thanks to designer Eva Poleschinski.

Special thanks to Katarina Bornovitskaya for the assistance in film creating.

Original article The Prima on La Personne.


Film “ELEMENTAL” about Ksenia Shevtsova


“The art isn’t obliged to be beautiful. Let it just bring emotions. It is obliged to touch your soul, to tickle, to wake up… It isn’t always caused by good things, sometimes the sad, the bad, the disgusting inspires you. The main art goal is to make you feel”.

Ksenia Shevtsova



A Film by Alisa Aslanova

Translator Katarina Bornovitskaya


Under the support of Stanislavsky Music Theatre.


© La Personne Studio 2019

Original article Film “ELEMENTAL” about Ksenia Shevtsova on La Personne.


Film “The Dreamer” about leading ballerina of the Kremlin Ballet


After graduating from The Moscow State Academy of Choreography our heroine had quit ballet for five years, she had a child and lived a life far from ballet. But once a desire to dance won, and the life gave her a chance – she joined the Kremlin Ballet. Starting from corps de ballet with no ambitions or goals to become a soloist, Olesya moved forward step by step. The shootings of this film took place while she was preparing one of the most difficult parts of the classical repertoire in The Swan Lake. And this is the first leading role for our heroine. In the video portrait Olesya Dmitrakova reflects about her transformation into the swan, about profession, her work in the studio and excitement before the premiere.


The film is created under the support of R-Class.

Heartfelt thanks to the founder of the company Roman Kukushkin.



Special thanks to the Artistic Director of the Kremlin Ballet Andrey Petrov.


Special thanks to the State Kremlin Palace for the assistance in film creating.

Original article Film “The Dreamer” about leading ballerina of the Kremlin Ballet on La Personne.


Film “Who is She?” about Prima Ballerina Oxana Kardash

“Always when you are growing up, when you are moving somewhere, there is no ultimate goal, because it is also growing. The deeper you go, the more it seems that you know nothing. The rank of a Prima ballerina is not the very goal in principle, and there was never such a goal – to be a Prima ballerina… Sometimes you look back to your results, and, of course, encourage yourself in your achievements, but… anyway I don’t feel the full and unconditional rank of a Prima”.

Оxana Kardash



A Film by Alisa Aslanova

Co Executive Producer Karina Zhitkova

Editor Katarina Bornovitskaya


Production by © La Personne Studio 2018


Under the support of Stanislavsky Music Theatre.

Original article Film “Who is She?” about Prima Ballerina Oxana Kardash on La Personne.

“Who is She?” – Second trailer

What does it mean to be the Principal dancer… Making everyday choice towards the dream and living the absolute improvisation. “Who is she?” A film about Oxana Kardash, the Prima Ballerina of the The Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Academic Music Theatre. SOON on LA PERSONNE.

A Film by Alisa Aslanova

Producer Karina Zhitkova

MUAH Nika Kostina


Special thanks to The Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Academic Music Theatre.

Original article “Who is She?” – Second trailer on La Personne.